Monday 19 January 2015

A Snow Bunting performs

19th January 2015 - Powderham

Here are a few shots of the very obliging Snow Bunting which has taken up residence on the cycle track near Powderham. Snow Buntings are often tame but this one seems to want to be photographed - to be honest I almost stepped on it, it was so close I had to move back to get it in focus.

Snow Bunting - 19/1/2015 Powderham
Snow Bunting - 19/1/2015 Powderham

When disturbed by passing walkers it just flew on to the wall or over to the rocks on the estuary side, always returning to feed in the shaded side of the path - maybe it was too hot in the sun?

Snow Bunting - 19/1/2015 Powderham

Snow Bunting - 19/1/2015 Powderham

So, a nice accommodating bird but, as ever, I can't resist digging a bit deeper to see if any more can be deduced - what age is it? Male or female? And, if possible, what subspecies? Apart from the obvious Svensson (1992) and, as it's a Bunting, Byers et al (1995), I also found Rae & Marquiss (1989) and Winters (2013) extremely useful.

The sex is the easiest to determine, the sharply pointed black centres to the scapulars indicate that it's a female (on a male they would be much more rounded). The underside of the primaries is also a safe character though often hard to see in the field, luckily it gave me a handy view as it preened. It showed a white underwing shading diffusely into darker grey primaries, this would be blacker and more sharply defined in a male.

Snow Bunting - 19/1/2015 Powderham

Its age is rather more difficult to decide. The shape of the tail feathers can be useful - pointed in 1cy, more rounded in adults - but this is hard to assess accurately, at times they looked pointed, at other times more rounded. The degree of wear on the tertials and greater coverts is also a guide - 1cy birds should look more worn than the more recently moulted adults. Again this is hard to judge but this next shot does show what look to be fairly worn inner GC's. However, the longest tertial doesn't look particularly worn so perhaps it's best left unaged.

Snow Bunting - 19/1/2015 Powderham

If ageing it is tricky maybe I shouldn't even think about subspecies but, fools rush and all that...

I can't help thinking that there's a degree of contrast between the pale and fairly cold fringes to the mantle feathers and the slightly warmer toned scapulars. Also the underparts are very white with only a hint of colour on the flanks. I would suggest, tentatively, that this points towards it being nominate nivalis since insulae (the commonest in winter in Britain) should look darker and warmer brown above and more saturated below. A diagnostic character is the amount of white on P2 (numbered descendantly); ≥ 60% = nivalis, ≤ 40% = insulae. I tried but I couldn't get it to fully spread a wing, or even fly much at all.

Nominate nivalis (coming from as near as Scandinavia) isn't all that rare in Britain (not sure about Devon) but it's believed to be less frequent than insularis (from Iceland and Scotland). Anyone got any opinions on this one?



Byers, C., Olsson, U., & Curson, J. 1995. Buntings and Sparrows. Robertsbridge.


Rae, R., & Marquiss, M., 1989. Ageing and sexing of Snow Buntings wintering on the Aberdeenshire coast, their biometrics and sex ratios. Ringing and Migration 10: 133-140.

Svensson, L. 1992. Identification Guide to European Passerines.
Fourth edition. Stockholm.

Winters, R., 2013. Snow Bunting: sexing, ageing and subspecies. Dutch Birding 35: 7-14.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Penduline Tits - third time around

10th January 2015 - Topsham

My third encounter with the Penduline Tits, this time at the Dart's Farm pools, proved rather more productive than the first two. This time the distance was about 20m so, despite the strong wind and generally poor light, I got more informative images (thanks to Keith B for the timely call).

There were three birds present, all with blackish masks, so two at least were additional to the usual BGM/Dart's Farm group; I wonder if they were the same party as the one I saw at The Rec on the 19th December. Two of the birds looked quite similar with narrow and somewhat patchy masks and showed little contrast between the warm brown mantle and the greyish nape and crown. The third individual had a more solidly black mask that was broader over the eyes and onto the forehead (where it merged into a thin band of dark chestnut). This bird's mantle was also noticeably darker than the other two, a more intense chestnut that often seemed to contrast strongly with the pale nape.

None of my photos showed enough detail to allow examination of the greater coverts - a moult limit/contrast in 1W, all coverts the same age in adults - so a definitive statement re ageing probably unwise. However, the two duller birds with narrower and less solidly black masks appear to be females, while the more contrasting bird with the broader, blacker mask looks more like a male.

Penduline Tit - 10/1/2015 Dart's Farm, Topsham. One of the duller, narrower masked birds - female?

Penduline Tit - 10/1/2015 Dart's Farm, Topsham. One of the duller, narrower masked birds - female?

Penduline Tit - 10/1/2015 Dart's Farm, Topsham. One of the duller, narrower masked birds - female?

Penduline Tit - 10/1/2015 Dart's Farm, Topsham. The more contrasty, broader masked bird - male?

Penduline Tit - 10/1/2015 Dart's Farm, Topsham. The more contrasty, broader masked bird - male?

Penduline Tit - 10/1/2015 Dart's Farm, Topsham. The more contrasty, broader masked bird - male?

Once again, the best available sources on ageing and sexing Penduline Tits are:

Blasco-Zumeta, Javier, and Heinze, Gerd-Michael. Identification Atlas of Aragón's Birds - Penduline Tit. PDF available here
[This work refers to Iberian populations - I'm not sure if the criteria are totally applicable to Northern European birds]
Svensson, Lars. Identification Guide to European Passerines, 4th edition 1992.