Just got back from a week in Sardinia. A really nice holiday with Carolyn, Jack and Sally (both rather too old to be still going away with their parents but unable to resist a free trip). As a birding trip - which it was never really meant to be - it was disappointing. Maybe it was the time of year but birding was a real struggle, very few birds in evidence and most even more unapproachable than in Britain.
Here's some rather poor photos.
Eleonora's Falcon - Sardina. |
My one piece of real luck, not expecting to see this given our location
at the 'wrong' end of the island, I jammed onto this on my first morning
out. Just a shame about the quality of the photo.
Bee-eater - Sardinia. |
Plenty of these and some big flocks, but always in poor light.
Griffon Vulture - Sardinia |
Driving through the mountains I noticed a couple of these soaring close to the road, by the time I'd pulled over they were heading away from me.
Scopoli's Shearwater - Sardinia |
Another departing shot from a short boat trip, identified solely on basis of location.
Hooded Crow - Sardinia |
Zitting Cisticola/Fan-tailed Warbler - Sardinia |
I'm actually quite pleased with this shot, given the light and distance.
Little Stint - Sardina |
Flamingo - Sardinia |
At least these were easy enough to photograph.
Stone Curlew - Sardinia |
Which is more than can be said for these - a real record shot.
Spanish Sparrow - Sardinia |
Common but surprisingly hard to photograph.
Sardinian Warbler - Sardinia |
A Sardinian Warbler in Sardinia of course. Pretty much ubiquitous - every bush seemed to have them but again frustratingly hard to photograph.
Gulls and then other wildlife to follow.
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