Tuesday 7 July 2015

A nice juv 'mick', shame about the photos...

7th July 2015 - Topsham

What was shaping up to being another fruitless session at BGM was nicely saved by a timely juvenile Yellow-legged Gull. It sneaked it un-noticed but alarm bells went off immediately I saw it. Classic shape with long legs and noticeable primary projection, fairly deep bill with a prominent gonys. Head pale with a shady mask, pale below with chevrons on the flanks and on the white undertail coverts, the tertials had only thin pale fringes and the median and lesser wing coverts were simply patterned with dark centres and pale fringes - the greaters a little more barred. I didn't need to see it fly to confirm it but it did anyway, showing dark inner primaries and a classic black and white tail.

Sadly the photos - distance and strong sun - were up to my usual standard.

Yellow-legged Gull juv - 7/7/2015 Topsham BGM

Yellow-legged Gull juv - 7/7/2015 Topsham BGM

Yellow-legged Gull juv - 7/7/2015 Topsham BGM

Yellow-legged Gull juv - 7/7/2015 Topsham BGM

Yellow-legged Gull juv - 7/7/2015 Topsham BGM

Later, at the Rec, I'd hoped it might put in an appearance - it didn't, but at least I got some more photos of the 1st summer Little Gull. A bit closer than I'm used to but the light was still challenging.

Little Gull 2cy - 7/7/2015 Topsham Rec

Little Gull 2cy - 7/7/2015 Topsham Rec

Little Gull 2cy - 7/7/2015 Topsham Rec

Little Gull 2cy - 7/7/2015 Topsham Rec

Little Gull 2cy - 7/7/2015 Topsham Rec - a mid air shake

Finally, an adult Med Gull - they're still moving through though numbers have dropped off in recent days.

Mediterranean Gull ad - 7/7/2015 Topsham Rec

Mediterranean Gull ad - 7/7/2015 Topsham Rec

Mediterranean Gull ad - 7/7/2015 Topsham Rec

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