6th August 2015 - Ham Wall, Somerset
Having to collect brother and family from Bristol Airport, I decided to indulged myself by stopping off at the Avalon Marshes en route. As planned, a few Marsh Harriers were up and about; I had brief and distant views of an adult male before this juvenile obliged. It loitered for a good hour or so, presumably practising its hunting skills while waiting for a parent to provide a proper meal.
Marsh Harrier juv - 6/8/2015 Ham Wall, Somerset |
Marsh Harrier juv - 6/8/2015 Ham Wall, Somerset |
Marsh Harrier juv - 6/8/2015 Ham Wall, Somerset |
Marsh Harrier juv - 6/8/2015 Ham Wall, Somerset |
Marsh Harrier juv - 6/8/2015 Ham Wall, Somerset |
Marsh Harrier juv - 6/8/2015 Ham Wall, Somerset |
Marsh Harrier juv - 6/8/2015 Ham Wall, Somerset |
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