Wednesday 18 December 2013

Normally I'd steer well clear of this sort of thing...

19th December 2010 - Topsham Recreation Ground


Fulvous Whistling-duck - 19/12/2010 Topsham

...but I was sorting through some old files and turned up this photo. Three years ago tomorrow at Topsham Rec I photographed this unlikely trio, all apparently unringed, wary and hungry after a long transatlantic flight/after hopping over the fence from the nearest ornamental duck pond. I'd completely forgotten about it - I can't even remember whether they were present for just one day or hung around a while - my note-keeping was patchy at the time.

I don't have the Devon Bird Report for 2010 to check but did anyone else see these in the area?


  1. Hi Tim - no mention in back of 2010 report but I vaguely recall a report of FW Ducks, although I'm not certain and didn't see them myself. I had one off Mudbank many years ago - really nice birds regardless of where they're from. Also remember 2 black-bellied whistling ducks on Exminster a few years ago. Interesting post on ageing of curlew as well.

    1. Hi Matt, good of you to look that up for me, thanks. They really did look out of place on the estuary on a cold December day and certainly made a change from the usual fare.
